Well, it's been a while since I've done a baking post! I'm back with a bang with some amazing delicious gooey fudgey brownies!
I did a bake sale at college a couple of weeks ago and knew that brownies would be a hit. I'm not a regular brownie maker so I was worried about how they were going to turn out. But, I found the best recipe ever and will probably only ever use this one from The Brown Eyed Baker.
- 150g of Plain Flour
- Teaspoon of Salt
- 2 Teaspoons of cocoa powder
- 350g of Dark chocolate (I used ASDA Smart Price)
- 225g of Butter
- 1 Teaspoon of Espresso powder
- 300g of Granulated Sugar
- 100g of Light brown sugar
- 5 Eggs
Start off by combining the flour, cocoa powder and salt with a whisk.
Then, put in a bowl the chocolate (broken into small pieces), butter (also cut into small chunks) and the teaspoon of espresso powder. Place over a boiling pan of water and keep stirring until all is melted.
Your kitchen should be smelling like a chocolate factory at this point, mmmmm.
Prepare the sugars in a separate bowl from the flour. Then, pour the chocolate mix into the bowl whilst till warm and stir until combined. Finally add the eggs, don't whisk too much as the recipe says it will make it too cake like!
Finally fold the flour mix into the chocolate and sugar mix. The mixture feels very gloopy and is very wet which is what makes it so fudgey when cooked!
You can either line the pan with grease proof paper but I just rub it with butter. The recipe says to use a 9x13 inch pan. I don't have the size so I just used two!
Cook for 30 minutes, turning the pan around after 15. Take out of the oven and cut into however many slices you want. The bigger the better! After 30 minutes (a very painful long 30 minutes) they are ready to eat!
Betsy Jo
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